Work with me
I work on 2 areas:
1. Inclusive language
The way we talk about age, class, disability, gender, race, sexual orientation (and so many other identities) shapes the way we think, feel and act. I teach people to use specific, accurate, inclusive language, which helps us to take action to be more inclusive.
2. Accessibility
The way we write emails, instant messages, give presentations, interview people (and any act of communication!) can enable or disable people. I teach you to communicate in a way that works better for autistic, ADHD, blind, d/Deaf, distracted, dyslexic and tired people (and many others).
I can work on:
inclusive language only,
accessibility only,
both inclusive language and accessibility.
I usually work on both inclusive language and accessibility at the same time.
It’s normally best to work on them together. But if, for example, you’ve just done a big accessibility project, then it would make sense to focus on inclusive communication separately.
How to work with me
You can work with me in a few different ways, including:
Lunchtime talks,
Bespoke training workshops (one-off or multi-part training programmes)
1:1 coaching
Keynotes, panel discussions or conference talks.
Bespoke training
I design totally bespoke trainings on inclusive language and accessible communication. I'll work with you to understand exactly your team's strengths, weaknesses and learning opportunities.
Together we'll co-create a learning programme that is totally tailored to your team. It will be interactive, warm, welcoming, supportive and joyful.
Feedback from workshop participants almost always includes a line like this (these exact words are from J, a people manager): "I was worried that learning about inclusive and accessible communication would be very complicated, and that I'd get told off or shamed. Ettie's masterclasses were practical, warm and fun to be at. I left fired up with energy."
1:1 coaching
I also work as a coach and mentor (using a mixture of coaching and mentoring techniques), giving you tailored 1:1 inclusive language and accessible communication training and support.
We design your learning plan together. It often includes 6 or 12 coaching sessions, exploring any aspects of inclusive and accessible communication that matter to you.
You'll get:
• time and space to reflect on the questions that matter to you,
• support to explore your own solutions (this is when I am in coaching/facilitator mode)
• specific advice, deeply practical guidance and recommended resources (this is when I am in mentor mode).
“Ettie’s ability to put people at ease without compromising the topic or learning is amazing.”
Group courses
12 week course in inclusive and accessible communication
I run Bold Type, a 12 week online group programme in inclusive and accessible communication.
Learn more about Bold Type.
6 week course in ADHD-friendly communication
I teach a 6 week course in ADHD-friendly communication.
Consultancy/retainer support
Plug in my support direct to your team.
You can work with me:
on a project basis (we work together on a specific project, like a campaign launch)
on retainer (time available every month).
For a monthly fee, you get access to a set number of hours or days.
We can use this for anything at all related to inclusive language and accessibility.
People often choose to work with me through a retainer model because it’s like having an inclusive and accessible communications specialist within the team.
You can call on me any time for advice, recommendations, tools and resources. It’s flexible, high-impact and adaptable to the way you work. You get high-level support without needing a full-time member of staff.
“Highly recommended if you value DEI and want clear, sensible advice.”
I’m currently fully booked for the next 6 months, but I do sometimes have cancellations. So get in touch and we’ll see what we can do!