Who I am

Hi! I’m Ettie (she/her).

As an inclusive and accessible communication educator, I help you:

  • use inclusive language in a way that’s natural and easy,

  • make your content highly accessible,

  • feel brave, confident and supported as you learn about anti-oppression and start letting it show in your communications.

Here’s a bit about my background, and how I came to do this work.


  • I’ve been the Marketing Director for Getting on Board, a content strategist for Contentious, designed and delivered digital communications approaches to help end child marriage at Girls Not Brides. I’ve also been a speechwriter, campaign strategist and ghostwriter.

  • I was Communications Director of Schools Consent Project, a charity that teaches young people about sexual consent, for six years.


  • I have over 12 years’ experience delivering interactive workshops and training sessions.

  • With six years of experience delivering sexual consent workshops (including NUS I Heart Consent, Schools Consent Project and sexual violence awareness sessions), I’m skilled in holding space for sensitive topics and challenging ideas.

  • I hold a diploma in counselling skills from WPF Therapy (a leading provider of psychotherapy and counselling training), and use aspects of psychotherapy in my facilitation, to create brave, inclusive spaces.

  • I’m improving my facilitation skills all the time - through intensive facilitation training with respected providers like Spring Strategies, Campaign Bootcamp’s Unpacked methodology and Training for Change.


Writing and speaking

  • My academic writing has won national and international awards, including the Global Undergraduate Awards. It won me a full scholarship to Oxford University, where I studied for my master’s in English Literature.

  • My short story “Feast or Foe” was included in What She’s Having: Stories of Women and Food, one of the Guardian’s best food books of 2021.

  • I was 1 of 40 writers selected from nearly 1000 applicants to be 2022/23 London Library Emerging Writer.

  • During my one year fellowship at the London Library, I worked on a collection of short stories. You can read one of my stories in From the Silence of the Stacks, New Voices Rise: volume 4.

  • I’m a former world class debater. I was one half of the 2012 British National Debate Team, and I’ve taught debating and public speaking in settings as varied as prisons in the US and UK, investment companies and schools including Eton College.

  • I regularly deliver keynotes at conferences. Recent keynotes include the Arts Marketing Assocation’s Reaching New Audiences conference, and Fundraising Space’s annual conference.