Who I’ve worked with

If I listed out every client I have ever worked with, this page would be ridiculously long. So here’s a list of the clients I’ve done the most substantial work with:

  • Action Against Hunger UK

  • Amnesty International UK, through anti-racist brand agency, Brand By Me

  • The Arts Marketing Association

  • Bethnal Green Ventures

  • Catalyst

  • Charity Digital

  • Christian Aid

  • Contentious

  • Digital Leadership

  • Fundraising Space

  • Girlguiding

  • Global Witness

  • Harrods

  • Home-Start

  • Included

  • Inrehearsal

  • Koreo

  • London Borough of Bromley

  • On

  • Otta

  • Plan International UK

  • Redbridge CVS

  • Refugee Council

  • Savills

  • Sonder & Tell

  • Superscript

  • The Co-Op Foundation, through Brand By Me.

  • The Internet Society

  • UCL’s Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)

  • Vodafone

  • Welcome the the Jungle

  • The Wellcome Trust, through Brand By Me, and alongside ThisAbility Limited.

  • Womankind Worldwide

  • YoungMinds, through WRKWLL.

Leading a session for Brand By Me (the social justice brand consultancy) with my colleague Sulaiman Khan. Image description: I’m a white person wearing mustard coloured dungarees, standing and smiling at the audience. On my right is Sulaiman, a South Asian man wearing brightly coloured animal print leggings and jacket. He’s a power wheelchair user and he’s smiling. We’re both facing a group of seated people. In between us is a screen with a photo of our colleague, collaborator and teacher Collette Philip on screen. Collette’s a Black woman with long braids, wearing a bright stripy dress, black glasses and she’s smiling broadly.

The logos of companies Ettie has worked with: including Savills, Brand By Me, Bethnal Green Ventures, UCL IIPP and Sonder & Tell.
The logos of charities and nonprofits that Ettie has worked with, including: Global Witness, Wellcome, Amnesty International and Action Against Hunger.