Books I’m featured in

  • Digital Marketing Handbook

    Alice Benham’s Digital Marketing Handbook is an amazingly practical guide to marketing yourself or business online.

    Alice interviewed me about inclusive and accessible marketing, including how to make your marketing content more accessible to blind, d/Deaf/hard of hearing and neurodivergent customers, and how to affirm and connect with clients of all ages, disabilities, genders, races, sexual orientations (and more).

  • Building a Culture of Inclusivity

    I love Priya Bates and Advita Patel’s book Building a Culture of Inclusivity: Effective Internal Communication For Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

    It’s a vital resource for communications professionals, especially internal communications specialists.

Podcasts I’m on

Talks and keynotes

  • Fundraising Space

    I was the keynote speaker at Fundraising Space in 2023, speaking on the topic “the problem with charity storytelling.”

  • Inclusive Leadership conference

    I spoke to Charityworks delegates at their 2024 inclusive leadership conference.

  • CharityComms

    CharityComms internal communications network invited me to speak to them about inclusive internal comms.

  • Arts Marketing Association

    The Arts Marketing Association invited me to speak at their Reaching New Audiences conference, talking to arts marketers about why inclusive language matters, and how to adopt a “progress not perfection” mindset.

  • Giant Digital accessibility

  • PepTalk

    I’m a PepTalk speaker. My PepTalk speaker profile.

  • ProCopywriters

    I delivered a workshop on accessible writing for Pro Copywriters (the alliance of commercial writers).

  • Content Club Pep Talk

    I gave a talk about inclusive language to the wonderful content strategists and content designers at Content Club.


  • Sleight of Brand

    Anushree from Sleight of Brand interviewed me about why I called my company Fighting Talk.

  • 26

    I chat to the people at 26, the professional writers’ community, about the joy of inclusive and accessible communication, creative writing and where I get my inspiration. Read my interview with 26.

  • Pass It On

    Lauren Crichton writes a phenomenal newsletter called Pass It On, bringing the tech and nonprofit sectors closer together. Read my chat with Lauren in Pass It On.
