Ettie Bailey-King Ettie Bailey-King

What intersectionality means

What does intersectionality mean and why does it matter? Intersectionality describes the way systems of oppression like racism, ableism and classism intersect and overlap, to create complex, cumulative experiences in the lives of marginalised people.

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Ettie Bailey-King Ettie Bailey-King

How to make your inclusion intersectional

Intersectionality has become a popular buzzword, used as a shorthand for all things diversity, equity and inclusion. But what does intersectionality really mean? And how can you make it a meaningful part of your equality, diversity inclusion and belonging work? 6 practical tips.

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Ettie Bailey-King Ettie Bailey-King

Jobs boards

If you’re recruiting for a new team member and you want to reach a broad pool of candidates, diversity jobs boards can be a great place to start.

When jobs are shared informally, they tend to reach the same old candidates. But diversity and inclusion focused jobs boards can help you reach a bigger audience of minoritised people.

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